We would like to develop the Craftnote app together with you further develop it!
Help us determine the next functions and features that we should implement. Exchange ideas with other users to find the find the greatest possible benefit for you. Get quick answers and support, network with other with other craft businesses and expand your network. your network. Our ultimate goal is to work together with our customers to develop a really practical and simple solution for tradespeople.
To share a suggestion or idea with Craftnote and other users, visit our Craftnote community. Once there, you have the option on the start page to click on the ‘Ideas’ button on the homepage and enter your suggestion or idea there.
Important: Your login data from the Craftnote app cannot be used for the be used for registration. For the deposit of a contribution or its rating, you must first register free of charge for the ‘Help area / Community’ is required.
After you submit your suggestion, it will be reviewed by other members of the community and our product managers and can be discussed and rated here.
It is important that you formulate your suggestion / idea clearly and so that other community members and we can easily understand and react to it. can easily understand and respond to it.
Click here for the Craftnote community -> Start