There could be various reasons why the booking cannot be successfully completed.
Here are some possible causes:
- There could be a temporary technical problem on our website, but we will inform you about this in the help section via a banner message (at the top).
- There may be a problem with your payment method.
- It could be that certain information was not entered correctly during the booking process.
I recommend that you take the following steps:
- Please check that all the information entered is correct.
- Please try to refresh the page or change the internet browser and try the process again.
If the problem persists, please contact customer service directly. You can reach them via the contact form, chat or telephone. The contact details for customer service are
- Phone: +49 30 31197770, (Monday to Friday: 9-12 & 13-17)
- Contact form: Customer Service
Please note that we need some information to be able to help you quickly. This includes:
- A detailed description of the problem and the date on which it occurred.
- The email address of the affected account.
- The Internet browser and operating system used and their version number.
- Whether the error occurs under a mobile and/or WiFi data connection.
- Whether the cache in the Internet browser used has already been deleted.
Good to know:
- You can find instructions and additional information on purchasing a licence here.