In many cases, you have projects that follow a similar pattern. The same documents that are made available, the same tasks that always have to be completed in a project or the same customer data and contacts that you work with in your projects.
At the same time, your employees should always be able to always find their way around directly.
This is where the sample projects come into play, as you create the structure for your orders once and these can then be used again and again.
This saves you time, as you don't have to create the same structure twice. of the structure once it has been thought through. Your employees also know know immediately where to find which documents in a project or in which folder of the file storage something is to be filed, because it looks the same every time.
The easiest way to proceed is as follows:
You create a project folder with the name ‘Sample projects’ in the mobile Craftnote app. Create a new project in this folder and give it a unique name, e.g. Renewal of heating system.
Immediately afterwards, click on the ‘Files’ tab to create your desired folder structure.
In our example, the folders ‘Quotations and prices’, ‘Created forms’ and ‘Plans’ were created under the file storage.
As only I (owner role) and my assigned project manager (project manager role) should have access to the ‘Quotations and prices’ folder, I specify this using the 3 dots to the right of the folder name.
I then select the menu item ‘Manage access’.
Project members with the role ‘Employee’ or, if applicable, ‘External’ who are invited to this project do not see this folder in the file storage.
I can then see this access assignment on the folder name via the 3 dots that are filled in or empty depending on the setting.
In addition to the folder structure in the file storage, you can also store sample tasks that are used in this type of project. In our example, these would be: ‘Create quotation’, ‘Check funding’ and ‘Order material.’
In the sample project, you can already specify which of your employees should always be a direct member of the project.
For example, your employee from the project planning can always be directly be stored as a member in a new project. If she is a member of the sample project, she can be transferred without any problems.
How to duplicate the project under the web app on your PC or laptop.
Click on the 3 dots to the right of the project name. Then select the ‘Duplicate’ option.
You can now decide individually whether the tasks, the members and the folder structure of the sample project should also be duplicated.
This gives you your basic structure quickly and easily, which you can now fill with data and documents for the new project and display the status of the project using the status if necessary.
If you already have a project with address data, contact persons and the file folder structure in use, you can also duplicate such a project. duplicate such a project. This means that the basic structure with already entered header data and created as a new, empty project.